“They said this day would never come…”

So started Senator Obama’s victory speech after the results from Iowa caucuses came out.

Polls were showing an upswing for Senator Obama but the margin of victory was much higher than anticipated.

Edwards second place showing has really weakened Hillary Clinton.

Ironic ally,

all the three Democratic front-runners were talking about change. However, Obama sounds the most sincere.

His speeches are inspirational and it is showing in the polls.

The Republican results were not too surprising. Senator McCain and Thompson both polled close to 13%. There is some whisper about Senator Thompson dropping out.

Th at should be

a boost to the McCain camp since Thompson is likely to endorse McCain.

Apart from Clinton, the o

ther big loser tonight was Governer Mitt Romney. His negative ad blitz seems to have backfired.

Governer Huckabee’s evangelical base was out in full force and made its presence felt.

The process followed by the caucuses in Iowa is quite interesting; Salon.com takes an inquisitive look inside some Des Moines precints.

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The second assasin might still be alive!

It is great to be liv ing

in the YouTube world.

A few grainy videos completely discredited the GOP’s theory about Benazir’s murder.

A mouse-pad detective also identified something which I have not come across before: the second assasin,

the man in white, might still be alive!

He was running away when the shots were being fired; evidently he is the only person moving away from Bhutto in the entire frame.

He is out of the frame completely by

the 47-48 sec mark in the video l

inked below.

The shooting and the explosion h

appen a few seconds later.

Freeze frame from video shows the assasin in white moving away from the vehicle

The details are available here; scroll down to the end of the page to see a frame by frame analysis.

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The Grand Unified Theory …

New video evidence seems to suggest that GOP’s version about Benazir’ s killing i

s completely bogu


The video clearly shows the shots being fired, Benazir’s head and scarf moving,

and then the blast after 1 or 2 seconds.

I am w

aiting for the GOP to come up with a grand unified theory to reconcile the new video evidence with their version.

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The Bhutto Mess

Benazir Bhutto’s assasination has exposed the abyss Pakistan is.

The lack of security, the botched up investigations, the conflicting claims on the cause of death, the comedy continues.

The GOP was quick to blame the Taleban.

However, the Taleban has explicitly denied any hand in the attack.

The handgun recovered from the scene is an a modern Western weapon; not a Taleban style cheap copy.

I feel that was an inside job ISI-Army acting under the watchful eyes of Musharraf.

This blog has new pictures which clearly show that she had collapsed into the car before the bomb went off.

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2008: An Eventful Year Ahead

It is very likely that 2008 will be an eventful year.

  • The nukes in Pakistan
  • 2008-08-08: Olympics in China
  • The housing market and the sub-prime mess
  • The Elections!
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Welcome to The Inquisitive Mind

Welcome to The Inquisitive Mind.

I will share my thoughts about a variety of issues of interest to me:

  • Finance and Trading
  • Technology
  • International Affairs and Strategic Issues
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